
No-Dig 2022

This year’s No-Dig exhibition and conference – the trenchless technology event on the largest scale – will be held in Helsinki, Finland.

This year’s No-Dig exhibition and conference – the trenchless technology event on the largest scale – will be held in Helsinki, Finland. This 38th edition is hosted by the International and the Finnish trenchless technology societies. The event’s focus is set on the small diameter pipeline rehabilitation, according to the constantly rising interest in this service, shown by the private sector and households. The majority of water systems and sewers in Finland are built with small diameter pipes, therefore the country is a pioneer for rehabilitations of this art.

The Finnish authorities are confident, that only trenchless technology should be used for crossings of cables or pipelines with roads, as far as this is possible, which certainly increases the popularity of trenchless technology and encourages the industry for its wide application. 

In the manor of the ISTT tradition, the annual awards for completed projects and innovations will be presented to the winners at the event. A Bulgarian company and member of BATT has been distinguished twice with this prestigious price. The first awarded Bulgarian project was the rehabilitation of a big diameter pipeline in 2011, followed by the rehabilitation of pipelines inside a thermal power plant in Kazakhstan in 2015.