
The town of Provadia will have a reconstructed WWTP

In order to implement the project within the deadline the works will be conducted on several construction sites at the same time.

A project for extension, reconstruction and modernization of sewer lines and waste water treatment plant started in the town of Provadia. The value of the project exceeds 18 million and 700 thousand BGN. The funds have beed provided through Operational Programme “Environment” and the state budget.  

This is the largest public investment for the last quarter of a century in Provadia for a water project. The implementation period is 20 months and the construction works should be finished until next October.

The first sod was turned by the Deputy Minister of Environment and Water, Ivelina Vasileva, the Mayor of Provadia, Dipl.Ing. Filcho Filchev and Stefan Zhelyazkov, representative from Consortium Provaton – the tender winner. Wearing protective gloves and helmets and holding mattocks, the three officials laid the beginning of the construction works. The Deputy Minister, Ivelina Vasileva, broke a champagne bottle on the machines, in accordance with the tradition.     

After the symbolic first sod turn the Deputy Minister, Ms. Vasileva, accompanied by Stefan Zhelyazkov, got acquainted with the functions of the construction machinery which will be used for execution of some of the project activities. 

Stefan Zhelyazkov revealed the secret of the short term implementation of the project. “We will work on several construction sites at the same time. I’m convinced that with the professionalism of our colleagues we will cope with the task. We have superior machinery and we are ready to start the project”, he is convinced.