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A unique European project “Establishment of European center for development of environmental technologies for trenchless rehabilitation of pipelines” was approved at the end of October 2012 and a forthcoming signing of a Grant Agreement is expected.
The project is under grant scheme BG161PO003-1.2.03 “Establishment of new technology centers and strengthening of existing ones” and will be implemented with the financial support of Operational programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
Beneficiary of the project is “Technology center for new trenchless technology developments”, a partnership company under the Bulgarian Obligations and Contracts Act, registered on 21.11.2011, members of which are Stroitelna Mehanizatsia AD, University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy (UACG) and Kazanlak Municipalitiy, a leader of the partnership company is Stroitelna Mehanizatsia AD
The project common goal of is to support the innovative activities of Bulgarian companies through establishing of a new technology center for development of technologies for trenchless rehabilitation of pipelines.
It is expected that the newly established technology center for new trenchless technology developments will become a competitive and sustainable center for competence in the field of trenchless technologies and will provide practical applications of scientific achievements in the same field to the business.
Strategic objectives of the technology center:
To develop an expert capacity for introduction of existing and development of new innovative trenchless technologies and products related to rehabilitation of existing pipelines in our country.
To initiate creation and development of new products and services responding to the needs for expanding and improving of the underground pipeline infrastructure.
To achieve synergy between business and scientific communities when drawing strategies for setting the underground pipeline infrastructure in compliance with the EU approved standards.
The establishment of a technology center in a field with high potential for development will contribute to providing an access to the companies to new knowledge and technologies and stimulating the application of the results from scientific researches in the production practice.
The implementation of the project will result in building up a capacity for research and development activities for creating and transfer of new knowledge and technologies to innovative and high-tech companies for implementation of projects and for influencing the policy in the sector.
“This document is created with the financial support of the Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Union through the European fund for regional development. The whole responsibility for the content of the document is borne by Stroitelna Mehanizatsia AD and under no circumstances can be accepted that this document reflects the official position of the European Union and the Contracting Authority.”